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Gravon Gravity Super Prestige: standings after 2 april tourn

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Joined: 19 Aug 2020
Posts: 46

PostPosted: 22.02.2021 18:28    Post subject: Gravon Gravity Super Prestige: standings after 2 april tourn Reply with quote

Here are the standings after 2 tournaments :

1) playa1 ---------------------- 15 points
2) freddykrueger -------------- 12 points
3) zach21 ---------------------- 10 points
4) garulfo ----------------------- 10 points

5) grizzlybear ------------------ 7 points

6) panther --------------------- 6 points

7) wnehme -------------------- 4 points
8 ruben87 -------------------- 4 points

9) maxroelofs ------------------ 3 points
10) edbomb --------------------- 3 points
11) kambia ---------------------- 3 points
12) olafthueringer ------------- 3 points
13) ironshield ------------------ 3 points

14) swordfish ------------------ 2 points
15) maartenleysen ------------ 2 points
16) theworldmaster ----------- 2 points
17) lodewijk14de -------------- 2 points
18 warlock -------------------- 2 points
19) bom ----------------------- 2 points
20) iljoesjin ------------------- 2 points
21) vertigo -------------------- 2 points

22) jjbb143 ------------------- 1 point
23) robna --------------------- 1 point
24) ambiorix ------------------ 1 point
25) missouri ------------------ 1 point
26) henry --------------------- 1 point
27) rave55 -------------------- 1 point
28 templaterex -------------- 1 point
29) jensneuij ----------------- 1 point
30) beastly123 --------------- 1 point
31) tournikid ----------------- 1 point
32) x-scripty ----------------- 1 point
33) mojo1967 --------------- 1 point
34) josephwhite ------------- 1 point
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Gravon Administrator

Joined: 16 Feb 2006
Posts: 1220
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: 02.04.2021 15:56    Post subject: Reply with quote

Standings after 3 tournaments.

1. Freddykrueger -- 22
2. Playa1 ------- 17
3. Garulfo -------- -- 13
4. Zach21 ---------- 11
5. Panther ---------- 9
6. Ironshield ------ 8
Ambiorix ----------- 8
8. Grizzlybear ----- 7
9. Wnehme ------ 6
10. Ruben87 ------5
11. Maxroelofs --- 4
Olafthueringer --- 4
Theworldmaster ---- - 4
14. Edbomb ------ 3
Kambia ---------- 3
Maartenleysen ---- 3
Vertigo ----------- 3
Lodewijk14e ----- 3
Player ----------- 3
20. Iljoesjin ----- 2,1
21. Tomba -------- --- 2
Swordfish ------- --- 2
Warlock ---------- 2
Beastly123 -----  2
Bom ------------------ 2
Gpet0 ----------- 2
27.Robna -------- 1,1
28. Josephwhite - 1
Mojo1967 ------- 1
X-scripty -------- 1
TourniKID -------  1
Jensneuj -------- 1
Templaterex ----- 1
Rave55 ---------  1
jjbb143 ---------- 1
Missouri --------- 1
Henry ----------- 1
Mirmidonas ----- 1
Kernhem -------- 1
Akaboom ------------ 1
Nicolasoriginal -- 1
Liogreen -------- 1
Kostasvin ------- 1
44. Servi ------- 0,1
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Joined: 19 Aug 2020
Posts: 46

PostPosted: 03.04.2021 14:47    Post subject: standings after 2/4 tournament Reply with quote

Here are the standings after the barrage van Butgenbach tournament :

1. Freddykrueger -- -----------------22

2. Playa1 -----------------------------17

3. Garulfo and ironshield -------- -- 13

5. Ruben87 --------------------------12
6. Zach21and panther ------------- 11
8. acerimmer ----------------------- 10
9. wnehme ---------------------------9
10. Ambiorix and grizzlybear -------8
12. olafthueringer -------------------7
13. player ---------------------------5

14. Maxroelofs ------- 4
Theworldmaster ---- - 4
maartenleysen --------4

17. Edbomb ------ 3
Kambia ---------- 3
Vertigo ----------- 3
Lodewijk14e ----- 3
psychonaut -------3
akaboom ----------3

23. Iljoesjin ----- 2,1

24. Tomba -------- --- 2
Swordfish ------- --- 2
Warlock ---------- 2
Beastly123 ----- 2
Bom ------------------ 2
Gpet0 ----------- 2
xx8vulcan8xx ---2

31.Robna -------- 1,1

32. Josephwhite - 1
Mojo1967 ------- 1
X-scripty -------- 1
TourniKID ------- 1
Jensneuj -------- 1
Templaterex ----- 1
Rave55 --------- 1
jjbb143 ---------- 1
Missouri --------- 1
Henry ----------- 1
Mirmidonas ----- 1
Kernhem -------- 1
Nicolasoriginal -- 1
Liogreen -------- 1
Kostasvin ------- 1
strat ------------- 1
The Terminator 1

49. chicago05 ------- 0,1

Servi ------- 0,1

* players in green are juniors
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